
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Satire in John Gardners Grendel Essay - 597 Words

Satire in Grendel The state is an organization of violence, a monopoly in what it is pleased to call legitimate violence (Gardner, 119). This excerpt from John Gardners Grendel shows one of the many issues he deals with in his satire of man, and that is the issue of the use of violence in society. Gardner shows this throughout the book, but most prominently in chapter eight, in which we learn of the arrival of Hrothulf, Hrothgars nephew, at Herot. Hrothgar recognizes the evil in Hrothgars kingdom. He discusses the problems of the government with an old man known as Red Horse. The point made in the opening quote is that Mens violence is chained to good (i.e., to the king): legitimate force that chops off the†¦show more content†¦This is a satirical look at our sense of freedom. As a society, we often feel we are free. But are we? What is this freedom we think we have? Gardner shows us that the governments main objective is to satisfy the greed of the majority, the rest will do you no harm. Thats it. Youve still got your fiction of consent (Gardner, 118). And if things go wrong, the governments immediate reaction is to use force to gain their objective. Chapter eight states that when men quit work, the police move in. If the borders are threatened, the army rolls out (Gardner, 119). Therefore, the state is always in control. The people have freedom, but only to do what is acceptable to those in power. Is that true freedom? Gardner believes it is not. Public force is the life and soul of every state: not merely army and police but prisons, judges, tax collectors, every conceivable repression (Gardner, 119). So even though we believe we live in a free society, we are truly controlled and kept in line by the government at all times. For all of the pride humankind takes in its established government systems, they are flawed. And as for glorious revolutions that change the face of the government or replace one government with another, they are truly and simply the pitting of power against power, where the issue is freedom for the winners and enslavement ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Grendel And The Epic Of Beowulf 1294 Words   |  6 Pageswho does bad things. These definitions may not be so indubitable as John Gardner takes a hero and villain to a whole new level in his novel, Grendel. Throughout the years of novels and short stories, heroes and villains have been constructed as strictly good versus evil, but what if there is good in evil and evil in good? Grendel and the epic, Beowulf, revolve around this idea of heroes and villains and good versus evil. Gardner’s twist on the stereotypical hero leads to the true definition of a heroRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words   |  26 Pa gesimportant sonnet sequences of this period.) Sonnets were also written during the height of classical English verse, by Dryden and Pope, among others, and written again during the heyday of English Romanticism, when Wordsworth, Shelley, and particularly John Keats created wonderful sonnets. Today, the sonnet remains the most influential and important verse form in the history of English poetry. Two kinds of sonnets have been most common in English poetry, and they take their names from the greatest poets

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Maternal Support Services ( Mss ) And Infant Case...

Fortunately, King County has several programs in place for women facing poverty. Maternal Support Services (MSS) and Infant Case Management (ICM) provides information and resources about the other programs available to mothers in King County. MSS and ICM provide health education, counseling, regular clinic visits, support from nursing, nutritionists, social workers and community health workers, and referrals to prenatal classes. Moms and Kids Plus provides a variety of services for the pregnant and parenting population, â€Å"The focus of service is to improve healthcare access for women and their families by encouraging prenatal care, substance abuse treatment, stable housing and reduction in the risk of infant death.† Eating healthy during pregnancy is very important but can be financially difficult, through the Women s, Infants and Children Program or WIC, some of these financial burdens can be lessened. â€Å"WIC is a supplemental food program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, infants and children and also provides health screening, nutrition and health education, breastfeeding promotion and support, help getting other services and checks for nutritious foods.† Lastly, another great resource for these women is the Nurse-Family Partnership, which partners low-income new mothers with registered nurses up until the child’s second birthday. The nurses provide education on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and parenting skills, information to resources available in the

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Molieres Tartuffe a Masterpiece of French Literature Essay

Molieres Tartuffe a Masterpiece of French Literature Molià ©res Tartuffe has long been considered a masterpiece of French Literature for its powerful social commentary, finely sculptured characters and its presentation of moral theme. While Tartuffe stands soundly on its own merits, its curiosity and impact for audiences both within its own period and for contemporary productions are heightened by the history surrounding its original presentation. Tartuffe was written and produced in a sensitive time for a sensitive audience. King Louis XIV sat upon a throne made uneasy with the plotting and dissent of multiple and powerful factions. The self-styled Sun King, King Louis XIV inherited a throne at five that he would not truly rule†¦show more content†¦Despite appeals to King Louis, Molià ©re was refused permission to stage the play for the general public. For the next three years Molià ©re continued to present Tartuffe at private gatherings hoping to garner the support he needed to reverse the interdiction against the play s performance. Late in 1664 Molià ©re was able to get the approval of the legate Chili for the performance of Tartuffe. This approval gave Molià ©re grounds to submit a new petition to the King. The King, again, denied the petition. Adding insult to injury, Molià ©res one time sponsor the Prince de Conti wrote a treatise against the stage in which he accused Molià ©re of being an atheist. Given the renewed campaign against him, Molià ©res hopes for producing Tartuffe in 1666 were dashed. On August 5, 1667, operating on a secret agreement with the King, Molià ©re presented The Imposter (A milder version of Tartuffe). The King was not present for the opening as he was encamped with his army at Flanders. This would prove troublesome for Molià ©re when the Church moved to stop further performances of The Imposter and he found himself without what he supposed to be his most important ally, King Louis. Immediately following the first performance President deShow MoreRel atedCompare Candide and Tartuffe5528 Words   |  23 PagesIn  Tartuffe, Molieres uses plot to defend and oppose characters that symbolize and ridicule habitual behaviors that was imposed during the neo-classical time period. His work, known as a comedy of manners, consists of flat characters, with few and similar traits and that always restore some kind of peace in the end. He down plays society as a whole by creating a microseism, where everyone in the family has to be obedient, respectful, and mindful of the head of the home, which is played by the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The City Of Glass By Tara Brach - 1041 Words

â€Å"There is so much division in this world. So what is really the path of healing? It can begin in this moment, by embracing the life that’s here,† Tara Brach. In the book The City of Glass, the movie Divergent, and in today s society, people are told that they do not fit into a group and are forced to life on the outside. The City of Glass shows the main dystopian element of division of people into groups or castes. When Clary travels to Idris, the home of Shadowhunters, she quickly sees the separation. Luke, Clary’s step-father who is a Downworlder, gives her a traditional Shadowhunter coat, â€Å"You know how they treat outsiders. Anything you can do to fit in†(10). Luke speaks from experience. He was once a Shadowhunter before he became a Downworlder. Now he is frowned upon in the city, and does not want the same for Clary. One character who supports dividing people into castes or groups is Valentine. He is Clary’s real father and is threatening Shadowhunters with war. When the Shadowhunters need help Luke suggests for them to team up with the Downworlders and put them on the Council, which is their form of government. â€Å"Without the promise of seats on the Council, my people won’t fight. They don’t have to love it. They just have to like it better than they l ike the idea of suicide†(340). Downworlders have never been part of the Shadowhunters community, let alone their government. They have to put aside their differences in order to defend themselves, and fight a common enemy.

The Amendment Of The Constitution - 959 Words

The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution is considered by many to be the catchall amendment within the reconstruction amendments that passed not long after the Civil War. Its due process and especially the equal protection clause have single handily changed the course of American History for all eternity. I believe that there are several key issues that plague the way our highest court approaches matters of sexual orientation and other issues as well. In this document I intend to explore what events of the past led to the constitutional interpretation of today regarding the fourteenth. In doing so we will travel over the course of a century or more in time and see the social landscape of a nation evolve based upon new societal interpretations and little more. To begin with some key case law that affected the courts constitutional interpretation regarding equal protection we must begin with Plessy V. Ferguson. In Plessy V. Ferguson we find the court upheld the state law requi ring railroads to maintain two separate cars for black and white while traveling within the State of Louisiana. The rational of the court no matter how wrong I feel it is was that in regards to intrastate commerce the law was constitutional. Justice Harlan wrote the dissent and I feel he made precise remarks that played a role in the future interpretation of the Fourteen Amendment. Harlan basically laid the groundwork in reference to the highest law of the land being colorblind in everyway.Show MoreRelatedThe Constitution Of The Amendment2425 Words   |  10 Pagesprotecting the 10th amendment, not only by our elected officials but by citizens as well, deviates the subtle balance of power in our nation to a detrimental state. The United States of America is just that, united States, that have the power to legislate for their constituents any laws not delegated to the Federal government inside the Constitution. With the overreach of the Federal government using the Commerce Cla use, the Necessary and Proper Clause, enacting the 17th amendment, and using the â€Å"powerRead More Amendments to the Constitution Essay1290 Words   |  6 PagesThe framers of our Constitution knew that time has a way of changing countries and their citizens. Our country was in a whirlwind of change in 1789 as people were experiencing freedom from the tyranny of England for the first time in their lives. Our country was being molded and formed into a great nation by the founding fathers. Expectations and rules had to be set to protect the rights of the minorities and majorities. Amendments to the Constitution were written to ensure equality for all in changingRead MoreThe Fourth Amendment Of The Constitution1107 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fourth Amendment of the Constitution was ratified in 1791 and is an important amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Fourth Amendment is â€Å"the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreason able searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized† (Charles Wetterer). The issueRead MoreAmendments of the U.S. Constitution1917 Words   |  8 PagesAmendments of the U.S. Constitution HIS/301 Amendments of the U.S. Constitution The United States Constitution is a beloved document of this country. In this document many powers, liberties, and freedoms are given to the citizens of the United States of America. These citizens were first made up of immigrants or settlers from England who wanted a place to live without fear of death, and freedom of liberties. The people who made up the first colonies of the America’s fought long and hard throughRead MoreThe Second Amendment of the Constitution491 Words   |  2 Pages The Second Amendment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.† nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This timeless phrase, the Second Amendment of the United States’ Constitution, is an enduring example of the principles and ideals that our country was founded on. With this statement, the founders of this country explicitly and perpetually guaranteed the American individualRead MoreThe Fourth Amendment Of The Constitution1365 Words   |  6 Pages Homework 1 1. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S Constitution says, â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or afï ¬ rmationRead MoreAmendments to the National Constitution2556 Words   |  10 PagesBackground - In the U.S. legal system, the Constitution forms the basic template for legal theory and management of law. This document formed the bases for the U.S. government and defined the three main sections: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. We must remember, too, that the idea of this constitution of removing ties to a monarchy and setting up a separate government by the people, for the people, was a very radical idea in the 18th century and had a background not only in the various documentsRead MoreThe Fourteenth Amendment Of The Constitution2057 Words   |  9 PagesFourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendm ents are a really big part of the Constitution for slavery and about the equal rights in the United States. The government created the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment to allow racial equality in the United States by freeing all of the slaves, giving them the right to get citizenship, and the right to vote. I will be talking about each Amendment and how they were formed and also why. The Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution says, â€Å"Section 1. NeitherRead MoreThe 18th Amendment of the Constitution1875 Words   |  8 PagesThe 18th amendment of the constitution Prohibition was introduced to all American states apart from Maryland in 1920. Prohibition was the banning of alcohol; you could be arrested for sale, manufacture and transportation of alcohol. There were many factors that influenced the introduction of prohibition. One of the main factors was the temperance movement’s two examples of this Were the anti-saloon league and Women’s Christian temperance movement. The temperance movements were at the strongestRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment Of The Constitution1009 Words   |  5 PagesThe sixth amendment of the constitution guarantees a criminal defendant trial by an impartial jury of their peers. Jury selection is a little more complex than sending out jury duty notices and going to trial, it has its own process to ensure all is fair. The Jury is a pertinent part of the judicial process and a key piece to upholding justice. Juries are selected from the general population; they are to be a representation of the people from that area. In trials with a jury, the first step is the

Asian Management Ownership - Networking and Management

Question: Describe the aspects of Ownership, Networking, and Management in the Indian Business System. Answer Introduction Over the past few years, different aspects of the business including the ownership, networking and management have created huge impacts on the Indian trading system. The prime forms of the ownership involve the professional, entrepreneurial businesses, public sectors, international companies, cooperatives and the non-government organizations (NGOs) (Gedajlovic et al. 2012). Moreover, it includes the family trading and interlinked family business groups. Since 1990, the government had launched the major divestment programs. Consequently, it has reduced the emphasis on the particular public sectors (Budhwar et al. 2013). However, after launching the divest program, the emphasis on the public-private partnership has been enhanced in an efficient manner. During that period, most of the entrepreneurial firms have been formed with the facilitation of the co-founding professional partners. For forming the entrepreneurial firms, professional partners have utilized the venture capital and oth er resources of funding. On the other hand, it has been seen that over the past decades, many foreign companies have invested adequate financial resources in India utilizing the joint venture and new investment and acquisition. Besides this, the family businesses are also increasing in the Indian market and most of the family businesses have been following the ownership structure. By analyzing the business report, it can be assessed that in 1990, there was an average of 18 businesses among the top 50 business houses including Tata Group (Garengo, Patrizia and Milind 2014). Hence, it can be assessed that over the years, the process of ownership has been changed in an effectual manner. In the Indian business system, there is a huge impact on the network. The particular business system is defined by the reliance on horizontal networks as well as the vertical networks. The vertical networks indicate the close and long-standing inter-firm relational contacts between consumers and suppliers. Due to the linkage of large component suppliers with the large automotive firms, the automotive industry exemplifies. For instance, in the 1950s, many indigenous automotive firms had been formed through a particular policy framework following the requirement of the local content prerequisites (Jayaram et al. 2014). It indeed encouraged the vertical disintegration. The renowned car selling company Maruti was formed in 1982 through a joint venture between the Government of India and Suzuki of Japan. However, the particular company needed to follow a particular business framework stating the requirements of the local Indian components. Aside from this, the comparative advantages of In dia are leading the value-added services and designs. It indicates the higher potentiality of the growth in a structural manner. The business management style in India is structural. By analyzing the history of the Indian business, it can be assessed that the particular country believes in the hierarchical society. Consequently, it should have some impacts on management style in the business. The managers position demands some roles for executing the business in an efficient manner. Most of the businesses in India follows either participative or the autocratic management style (Budhwar et al. 2013). Most of the multinational organizations have been showing adequate interest in establishing the business in India due to its diverse workforce culture at the workplace. Hence, it can be assessed that the effective management style indeed facilitates the Indian businesses in experiencing the enormous growth within the certain timeline. References: Budhwar, Pawan S., and Yaw A. Debrah, eds.Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge, 2013. Garengo, Patrizia, and Milind Kumar Sharma. "Performance measurement system contingency factors: a cross analysis of Italian and Indian SMEs."Production Planning Control25, no. 3 (2014): 220-240 Gedajlovic, Eric, Michael Carney, James J. Chrisman, and Franz W. Kellermanns. "The adolescence of family firm research taking stock and planning for the future."Journal of Management38, no. 4 (2012): 1010-1037 Jayaram, Jayanth, Mita Dixit, and Jaideep Motwani. "Supply chain management capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach."International Journal of Production Economics147 (2014): 472-485.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Proposal on Elder Care Centre

Question: Describe about the Report for Business Proposal on Elder Care Centre. Answer: Proposal Summary This study deals with suggesting business proposal for Elder care Center in the category of Home Health care. This business proposal has taken into consideration on elder care center established in Eldercare in South Australia. This organization operates in more than 22 countries. Eldercare aim is to provide quality services to elderly as well as disabled persons needing home and personal care services (West et al. 2014). Home care as well as home care professionals is considered as typically low for moderate income women who work independent contractors. Proposal Development Home health care at Eldercare in South Australia offers 1000 aged care bed in more than 13 sites in Metropolitan Adelaide and Yorke Peninsula. Eldercare provides retirement living accommodation for more than 35 years as well as upgraded in building new homes in meeting the changing needs of individuals (Wang and Verma 2012). Cost-Benefit Analysis Cost Set up Costs The process of creation of an independent elderly care agency will require funding for the following: Establishing the company Forming the corporation Acquirement of the appropriate licenses (Eckert 2012) Entity establishment (incorporation, partnership, LLC and many others) Establishment of the office Rent of office space and utilities Rent of office space and utilities Communication Tools and phones Computers Internet connections Back Office arrangement Hiring care givers and certified nurses Training the staff Insurance coverage Office staff Marketing for acquirement of clientele Print brochures, leaflets, business cards Development of website Advertisements, promotional events and other sponsored events The set up cost for the elderly care center includes the purchasing of furniture, and installations of test computerized medical system and other clinical equipments. It is estimated that the total requirement for establishment of the elder care center is $666700 (refer to appendix for the calculation on the estimated cost of establishment of business). Legal Costs The legal costs for elderly care businesses are extremely regulated where the business have the need to meet the requirements of the government. At the time of formation of the business entity, it is important to arrange adequate financing and establishing payrolls for different important activities of the business for elderly care agency. The legal costs include the state permits for ensuring the clinicians have different neat background with discipline free professional licenses. In addition to this, the home health care businesses also need to comply with the rules and regulations for Medicare (Becker 2012). Australian Aged Care is very complex owing to different state as well as federal funding.The home and health care agencies for the elders need to meet the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency. Again, the elder care center also has the need to meet the standards set by the Office of Aged Care Quality and compliance in NSW. The business needs to incur legal costs for mee ting the legal requirements for setting up the elder care center (Humanservices.gov.au 2016). Administrative Expenses The administrative expenses for setting up the elderly care center includes the costs for employing the personnel (for example, the certified nursing staff), finalizing different contracts with medical suppliers, inspection of operations, collection of donations. In addition to this, the administrative expenses also include the placement of advertisements, distribution of brochures and training of staff among many others (Eckert 2012). The administrative expenses associated to the business of elderly care center are the administrative and clinical pay roll, depreciation, property taxes, utilities, insurances, payroll taxes, grounds and buildings including other expense accounts (Aph.gov.au 2016). Key departments involved in the project are: Finance Legal Human Resource and administration Quality Control Benefits Increase in demand The fraction of population of Australia aged above 65 years has increased from 8percent recorded during the year 1970-71 to 13percent in the year 2001-02. The number of aged population is expected to double by the year 2050 (Fundamentals of elder and special needs law, 2012). Therefore, the aging people will require long-term elderly care. The elderly care industry is rapidly growing in Australia and is estimated to expand further.The-governing unit has by now initiated widespread alteration to taxes as well as benefits to assist the aging population. New South Wales, Queensland and Victorian governmentsare also offering age pensions to the aged people along with social security payments (Humanservices.gov.au 2016). Again, the Commonwealth also provides funds for nursing homes and other community services. This creates demand for the elderly care centers in Australia and makes it a feasible business proposal (Aph.gov.au 2016). legal regulations and licenses The company requires funds for acquiring licenses as well as registration for starting an independent elderly care center. The company needs to acquire comply with the rules and regulations laid down by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency in order to maintain the standards. The company also needs to acquire licenses as well as accreditation from different aged care services in order to ensure good quality services to aged people (Eckert 2012). The business can avail benefits from governing bodies both at local and national level for extensive marketing support, built in support system, proven systems and time-tested instruments among many others. The adult care business also needs to align with the National Strategy for Ageing Australia, Common wealth National Strategy for the Ageing Australia, Aged Care Act 1997, Aged Care Principles and Home and Community Care Act 1985 among many others (legislation.sa.gov.au 2016). There are incentives that can offer self-provision of retireme nt earnings through superannuation, alterations in the preservation age, pension bonus system. These policies of the government can boost the elder care industry. Expected Changes at workplace This particular business proposal helps Eldercare for solving current problems such as retention of talented employees. Eldercare brings new norms and regulations in their home health plans and this is the reason why there is high rate of absenteeism as well as attrition rate. Eldercare values time, skills as well as expert opinion from staff members. They are mostly committed towards providing fair and structured work schedules by explain the rights and responsibilities for each team member (Swayne, Duncan and Ginter 2012). Eldercare offers more resident-oriented as well as home-model care in comparison with competitors. It is expected that innovative use of Elder Assistants lower the cost of providing special care on considerable terms. Expected change at Eldercare also view at the fair wages as well as team structure based on lower dissatisfaction level leading towards turnover rate among staff members. Probable Return on Investments Employee Satisfaction It is important to consider the fact that probable return on investments requires extreme range of satisfied employees working for Eldercare (Morris 2014). These employees should be committed, loyal as well as engaged with their role and responsibilities in desired form. Reduction in Turnover Costs Eldercare should find ways in involving less recruiting costs as well as marketing costs at the same time. Addition to that, there should be fall in the employment agency fee for future analysis purpose. High Productivity Rates Eldercare probable return on investments requires increased in the level of productivity as well as less operational costs for gaining increased market share in the most appropriate way. Quality service to customers Eldercare requires paying close attention to the potential satisfied customers as well as making effort in improving in the market reputation. Efforts should be made in having less business failure risks as far as possible. Reduction in Absenteeism Good working condition and facilities to the employees will reduce the rate of absenteeism. Employees will work hard and make effort in completing the projects on time if they are happy with the present working environment. It will therefore lead to high productivity. Eldercare should make effort in conducting low financial as well as administration cost in an effective way. Improvements in Elder Care Health Eldercare has the ability in making the required changes by keeping strong organizational culture as well as high engagement levels. Risks and Strategies Risk 1: Inability to supervise employees due to lack of support and quality check Risk Mitigation Strategy Top-level management should take measures in providing complete guidance at the induction sessions (Kavaler and Alexander 2012). Quality check should be emphasized at the processing level whereby top-professional management took responsibility in investing the Quality and Assurance in the most appropriate way. Risk 2: Risk involved in certain abuse and violence Risk Mitigation Strategy In conducting the elder plan, several abuses and violence should be mitigated as far as possible. Their children abuse elder people at older age and they seek shelter in these health care services. Next steps This business proposal has to be approved from Human Resource Manager. They will aim at making the modifications on recruitment policy after setting up contract with top-management professionals. Meetings are to be held in discussing on the key points of business proposal on elder care center. For More Information For setting up and future commencements, it is required to contact Human Resource Manager. In case of Budgeting, Finance Controller should be contacted at the specified time. Reference List Aph.gov.au. 2016.Home Parliament of Australia. [online] Available at: https://www.aph.gov.au [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Becker, M. 2012.Project elder find. Springfield, Ill.: Illinois Dept. of Public Aid. Eckert, J. 2012.Inside assisted living. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Fundamentals of elder and special needs law. 2012. Boston, Mass.: Suffolk University Law School, Center for Advanced Legal Studies. Humanservices.gov.au. 2016.Australian Government Department of Human Services. [online] Available at: https://www.humanservices.gov.au [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Kavaler, F. and Alexander, R.S., 2012. Risk management in health care institutions. Jones Bartlett Publishers. legislation.sa.gov.au. 2016. [online] Available at: https://www.legislation.sa.gov.au [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Morris, V., 2014. How to Care for Aging Parents: A One-Stop Resource for All Your Medical, Financial, Housing, and Emotional Issues. Workman Publishing. Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J. and Ginter, P.M., 2012. Strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley Sons. Wang, J. and Verma, A., 2012. Explaining organizational responsiveness to work life balance issues: The role of business strategy and high performance work systems. Human Resource Management, 51(3), pp.407-432. West, M., Eckert, R., Steward, K. and Pasmore, B., 2014. Developing collective leadership for health care. London: The Kings Fund.